Breastfeeding with Love
Breastfeeding and Lactation Support
This breastfeeding course provides you with extensive knowledge for the human lactation and breastfeeding. Consisting of three conceptual Modules and an additional fourth interactive Workshop Module this breastfeeding course provides education and much deeper understanding of the breastfeeding relationship between the baby and the family, covering the whole duration: from the very first moment - in utero, until the very end of this journey.
If you find breastfeeding challenging, or you have insecurities and would like to prepare yourself with research based knowledge for everything connected with lactation and breastfeeding - I am here for you! The various 1:1 breastfeeding consultations serve to provide plan for overcoming the obstacles and provide unique solution tailored individually for every family.
These workshops serve to provide you with the latest research based knowledge on specific human lactation and breastfeeding topics: with the detailed practical examples, exhaustive explanatory notes, photos and videos, these workshops offer specter of possible solutions to a problem, and guide you towards recognizing the best one for you and your family.
4 години доење со љубов!
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Светска недела на доење 2024
Natasha2024-08-27T10:38:34+02:00Од 1 до 7 Август, традиционално во светски рамки се прославува светската...
Roses Revolution Day 23
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Интензивен рефлекс на испуштање
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Заедно, подготвени…
Natasha2023-10-15T15:24:13+02:00Драги семејства,големо задоволство ми е да споделам дека во недела, 22/10/2023 година,...
3 години со вас!
Natasha2023-08-27T02:11:37+02:00Пред точно три години го напишав првиот пост на Инстаграм страницата, со...
Приказната на Сара
Natasha2023-08-11T16:43:26+02:00Покрај приказните што ги објавив за време на светската недела на доењето,...
Приказната на Даница
Natasha2023-08-02T19:07:23+02:00Јас и мојот Д, кој сега е веќе ,,големо" момче од 2...
Приказната на Викторија
Natasha2023-08-02T11:31:36+02:00Нашата доеничка приказна сѐ уште трае (година и пол) благодарение на едукацијата...